"Easy”to Meet the Standard —— 2022 Cardiovascular Disease Blood Pressure Compliance Management Project Launch Meeting Successfully Held in Anhui


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"Easy”to Meet the Standard —— 2022 Cardiovascular Disease Blood Pressure Compliance Management Project Launch Meeting Successfully Held in Anhui

(August 19, 2022) In order to further help improve the rate for awareness of hypertension management in the population, the "Easy“ to Meet the Standard - 2022 Cardiovascular Disease Blood Pressure Standard Achievement Program, initiated by the Suzhou Industrial Park Institute of Cardiovascular Health and supported by Hasten Biopharma. The kick-off meeting of the management project was successfully held in the afternoon of August 19, 2022 in Hefei, Anhui Province, China, in the session of the International Conference on Cardiovascular Diseases of Confucianism. The conference focused on optimal management of hypertension and its related hot issues.



Ge Junbo, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, president of the Hospital of the University of Science and Technology of China and director of the Department of Cardiology of Zhongshan Hospital of Fudan University, delivered a speech on the conference. In his speech, academician Ge Junbo combined with the actual situation of hypertension patients in Anhui, pointed out that for the general public, the first thing is to clearly understand their blood pressure and cooperate with doctors to actively treat hypertension in order to better control it. China has a large number of hypertensive patients, and the overall awareness rate, treatment rate and standard reaching rate of hypertension in China are still at a low level, which is still far from the strategic goal of "Health China 2030“ strategy. Therefore, it is urgent to improve the standard reaching rate of hypertension in China.


Xue Tianwen, VP of Hasten Biopharma said in his speech that Hasten is an innovative biotech pharmaceutical company headquartered in Hefei, with the mission of "putting the Needs of Patients First, Innovating and Serving Human Health". The purpose of supporting and participating in the "Easy" To Meet Standard project is to take practical action to join the cause of hypertension prevention and control in China, adhering to the consistent core values and corporate mission, and shouldering the responsibility and commitment of national enterprises to achieve the goal of "Healthy China 2030".


Then, Prof. Liu Feng from Suzhou Jiulong Hospital, affiliated with Shanghai Jiaotong University Medical College, pointed out that the awareness rate, treatment rate and standard reaching rate of hypertension in China are 51.6%, 45.8% and 16.8% respectively, which are still at a low level. Therefore, to improve the standard achievement rate of hypertension patients and support the "Health China 2030" strategy is the top priority of the current work. Prof. Liu Feng also emphasized that this project aims to strengthen the management of hypertensive patients, covering all levels of doctors in the field, with a view to transmitting the cutting-edge academic content of the field development, promoting the improvement of doctors' medication concept, improving the management level of hypertension compliance in medical institutions at all levels in China, effectively helping Chinese people to stay away from the threat of hypertension.


In addition, Prof. Ma Likun from the University of Science and Technology of China Hospital and Prof. Zhou Jingmin from the Zhongshan Hospital of Fudan University were among the guests who participated in the launch of the project. The kick-off ceremony was completed by Academician Ge Junbo, Professor Xu Yawei, Professor Ma Likun, Professor Zhou Jingmin, Professor Liu Feng and Hasten Biopharma Vice President Xue Tianwen. The success of the kick-off ceremony represents the official and smooth convening of the project, and also the expectation of the experts for this project.





